While the Gregorian calendar New Year has passed, many people around the world are preparing for the Lunar New Year, more commonly referred to as Chinese New Year. The most important holiday in Asia is a two-week celebration filled with ancient and modern new year traditions and symbolic Chinese New Year food to prepare. 2017 […]
Tea Eggs for Chinese New Year
It’s Chinese New Year, but is it the Year of the Goat, Sheep, or Ram? In Vietnam, where the celebration is called Tet Festival, it’s definitely the Year of the Goat. Japanese followers of the lunar zodiac have been busy sending postcards heralding the Year of the Sheep. In Hong Kong I saw mostly cute, […]
Chinese New Year 2014 – Year of the Horse
When is Chinese New Year? I am excited to be in Shanghai, China to experience the energy and excitement of preparations for the Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year and Spring Festival. Much like our New Year, it is a time of celebration and an occasion for joyous family reunion to welcome […]